In a changing world and a changing time, we have no choice but to change with it. Let's just say a lot has happened since i last blogged this beezy.
First off, i turned 18. Now i am officially legal. so to any of you police out there, i'm jailbait (just keeding). By the way, i would like to tell you that coke zero and cookies n cream cake is an excellent combination. I have to say, being 18 is a big deal. I'm not just saying that to say it, i really mean it. you know how when you turn 17 or 13 or 9, the day you wake up, you still feel as if you were 16 or 12 or 8. Not much has changed in one night. But when you turn 18, the morning you wake up, you feel like somebody else. And it's kind of scary actually, and people just smile at you and tell you: "you're a man now!" and "Welcome to the real world!" and my personal favorite: "you're legal!" and you don't know why everyone's so happy about it, because its not that great of a deal. So, you just put on a smile and go with it. That's how it felt to be 18.
Woaahh, i told you i wasn't a bandwagoner, and i'm not. But this was one of the most historic events in history. Barack Obama became our 44th president, and he is the nation's first African American to be in the presidential office. Good job, brutha.
And i will save the best for last. I got a girlfriend hehe. You may say, 'she looks familiar'. thats because she is :D it's Robin Guerrero, the girl i've liked for almost my entire high school life. pretty amazing how dreams can come true like that, huh? We've been together for about 2 1/2 months now, and it just keeps getting better. We've actually been dating for like almost 6 months, which is a loong time. so that means it's been a long time since i've blogged here. Anyway...I owe everything to this beautiful girl. and i'd like to say that good things come to those who wait.
There's more i could talk about here, but i'm too lazy to upload more pictures. I just thought i'd updated America on how i've been lately. Actually, i'm pretty sure nobody reads this, but that's cool anyways.
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